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  • Mini Micro Cassette Tape Recovery to Digital Conversion Services

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Media SOS provides expert recovery, repair, and conversion services for audio Mini and Micro cassette tapes worldwide. We transfer your memories onto digital CDs and MP3 formats on USB sticks or as downloadable files, using cutting-edge equipment.

This service is designed for tapes affected by mould, dirt, sticky shed syndrome, or broken shells. If your tape is simply snapped but otherwise in good condition, please choose our standard audio cassette conversion service.

Our Location: Mill Hill, Edgware, London

We provide an extensive array of services covering a variety of tape formats.

Due to the age and fragile nature of your old media, despite every effort, the originals cannot be guaranteed for safe return once transferred or recovered. Therefore, we highly recommend utilising the digital versions provided, such as CD, USB stick or downloaded mp3 digital files.

The quality of the recovered material can range from poor to good but generally remains watchable or listenable, contingent upon the condition and quality of your tape. With our current high success rate, we're confident in our ability to retrieve your valuable content effectively.

Convenient Ordering: Order online or use our "Mail-in & Pay Upon Completion" service.

Repair and Recover Your Memories with Our Easy and Reliable Conversion Services!

(The product photograph featured on this page is intended solely for illustrative purposes.)

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Mini Micro Cassette Tape Recovery to Digital Conversion Services

  • Product Code: Tape Repair
  • £64.99
  • £39.99

  • 4 or more £34.73
  • 8 or more £30.51
  • 15 or more £27.35
  • 25 or more £25.25
  • 50 or more £24.19
  • 100 or more £22.83
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Available Options see below for available options

Broken Shell, Domestic Tape
Broken Shell, Domestic Tape
Mouldy Domestic Audio Tape
Mouldy Domestic Audio Tape

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